AHVY - Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana

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AHVY - Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana

The "Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana" was established by the government to help artists in the handicraft industry gain access to finance by subsidising their interest payments. It is a cluster-based programme overseen by the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts). The goal of this programme is to increase demand for Indian artisanal products by strengthening regional networks of creatives across the country. The Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY) is examined in depth here.

Objectives:-The Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY) aims to do the following:

  1. Getting the word out about high-quality handicrafts for the niche market
  2. expansion of the production base for handicrafts that are both useful and nice to have.
  3. Heritage and dying crafts should be kept and protected.
Specifics of the Plan
  1. Mobilization of artisan groups or SHGs with the people in charge.
  2. For each artisan, the survey will be done in the format that has been set.
  3. Educating the cluster artisans by holding awareness camps, having discussions, and making an annual action plan for the activities
  4. SHGs are given bank accounts.
  5. Under the Jan Dhan Yojna, making it easier for the artisans to open bank accounts.
  6. Processing of the scanned data in MS Excel Sheet format, which includes details about the artisans like their identity card numbers, photos, Aadhar numbers, EPIC numbers, bank account numbers, and the names of the banks where the accounts are held.
  7. including each craftsperson under RSBY and AABY.
  8. Artists' Identity Cards (AIC) will be given to all cluster artists.
  9. The cluster manager will be chosen based on their qualifications and experience, as well as the registration and formation of a producer company, federation, or institution in which at least 50% of the artisans in the cluster are members or shareholders.
  10. Artists' Credit Card (ACC): needssch'uled The ACC scheme was made to help artisans get the credit they need for investments and working capital in a flexible and cost-effective way. It was made so that artisans could get help from banks when they needed it. Scheduled banks are being used in both rural and urban areas to carry out the plan.
Criteria for eligibility
  1. Here are the kinds of groups that can apply for the Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna project. Here's what they are:
  2. Cooperative societies at the top
  3. Cooperatives
  5. Handicraft Artists' Trusts
  6. Handlooms and crafts made by the government and the states
  7. development corporations
  8. Other related government companies or agencies that state governments or financial institutions try to get people to join or use
  9. Handicrafts Export Promotion Council (EPCH)
  10. Known NGOs
  11. Known designers from India and other places
  12. Exporters and business owners who have signed up under Section 25 of the Company Act (non-profit) are some examples.
  13. Federation of NGOs/SHGs Consortium, etc., registered under the right law
  14. The National Center for Product Development and Design (NCDPD)
  15. Service Center for Metal Crafts (MHSC)
  16. Organizations registered with the state or central government under the right law for the long-term growth of craft clusters
  17. components,
Note: For a fecomponent, the details of the component and the organisations that can use it are listed together. Only those organisations will be able to use that component.
Documents Required
The list of documents that must be sent with the Project Registration Application is shown below:
  1. Copy of the address, copy of the Aadhar card, and copy of the PAN card of the partners, authorised representatives, and directors of the company, society, trust, or authority, as needed.
  2. Copy of the memorandum of association and bylaws that have been signed off on by the right people [Self-attested]
  3. Copy of the legal certificate of registration under the right law
  4. copy of the last three years' balance sheets that have been checked by a chartered accountant.
  5. copy of the last three years' annual reports.
  6. Copy of the last AGM's minutes
  7. List of Organization's Officers with Full Name, Full Postal Address with PIN, Phone or Mobile Number, and E-mail
  8. Copy of a resolution from the office of the DC for financial help under a certain scheme (Handicrafts).
  9. Name and address of the bank, the account number, and details about the account
  10. Details of how the money from the office of DC (Handicrafts) has been used over the last three years.
  11. Details of how the money received from other central or state government departments or agencies over the last three years has been used
  12. Name of project head, Nodal officer, and authorised contact official with his personal information.
  13. In an affidavit, details about the people on the list of beneficiaries are:
  14. Most of the people on the governing body don't come from the same family.
  15. Information about the people who belong to any other society registered anywhere in India
  16. That organisation doesn't do anything illegal, and no central or state agencies have put it on a "black list."
Support under the scheme
The AHVY package of help can be broken down into the following parts:
Help and services are offered through AHVY.
  1. Interventions in society diagnostic survey and coming up with a plan for the project
  2. Getting craftspeople to work
  3. Interventions from technology
  4. Help with teaching the teachers
  5. Help with design and technology improvements
  6. Helping with money so that modern, better tools, equipment, etc. can be made and distributed.
  7. Documenting, preserving, and bringing back to life old crafts, etc.
  8. Interventions in marketing
  9. Marketing events
  10. Infrastructure for marketing
  11. Publicity
  12. Services in Marketing
Financial interventions
  1. Money left over
  2. Infrastructure-related inventions that are specific to a cluster
  3. Setting up a centre for major crafts to share information
  4. E-kiosks will be set up
  5. Setting up banks for raw materials
  6. Setting up the centre for shared facilities
  7. exporters, technical assistance through setting up facility centres by exporters/business owners, etc.
Help with money and how it's spent
Interventions in society
As a grant in aid, the amount of help will be INR 300 per artisan for the number of people who need to be brought together and surveyed for empowerment.
For the creation of a producer company, federation, or institution, the amount of help will be up to INR 1 lakh per year for up to 3 years.
The full amount of help (100%) will only be given to the organisation after it has been registered. This money will be given to the organisation as an advance for the first year to help it set up and register a producer company, federation, or institution. From the second year on, 75% of the organization's annual recurring costs, up to a maximum of INR 1 lakh, will be paid in advance. This will drop to 50% for the third year, again up to a maximum of INR 1 lakh. The grants will be given to the organisations that meet the right requirements. The money will go straight to the organization's bank account.
  1. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) that have already been set up under different programmes of the Indian government and state governments should be used as much as possible. In short, new SHGs can only be made where there are none already.
  2. Interventions from technology
  3. For the technological interventions, help in the form of about Rs. 5,000 per tool kit will be given.
  4. Up to Rs. 1.80 million will be given to each workshop to help with the development of new prototypes and the use of new techniques and technologies.
  5. Up to 10 lakhs of money will be given to study the cluster and its market, come up with new tools, processes, techniques, etc., and so on. marketing and writing up
  6. For training other than carpet, the most money that can be given is up to Rs.1,81,000, and for carpet, the most money that can be given is up to Rs.5,755,000. (The implementing agency will get a share of Rs. 64,000.)
  7. Up to Rs. 6.70 million will be given to help set up a seminar and symposium that will focus on policy issues and problems.
  8. For each study on need-based technology, process, and infrastructure, Rs. 5 lakhs will be given to help pay for it.
  9. Interventions in marketing
  10. Organizations
for states other than Jammu & Kashmir and North East
75% of the amount, up to a maximum of Rs.1,38,750/-. Artisans for demonstration purposes are eligible for TA or  DA.
For organisations from NER and J&K that hold meetings outside of their home regions
As transportation costs, Rs. 1,85,000/- and Rs. 2,000 per artisan, up to a maximum of Rs. 30,000/-, will be paid in full. People who take part in both sales and demonstrations can get TA and DA.
  1. Organizations from NER and J&K, if they are set up in their own areas,
  2. 75% of the amount, up to a maximum of Rs.1,38,750/-. Artisans for demonstration purposes are eligible for TA or  DA.
  3. Financial Assistance About 75% of the real amount will be given, and 100% if Brochures, Folders/Maps, Catalogs, etc. are printed.
  4. Financial Assistance About half of the cost of the project will be paid for. This could be up to Rs. 23 lakhs for new emporia in their own buildings, Rs. 11.50 lakhs for new emporia in rented buildings, or Rs. 5.75 lakhs for renovating or expanding existing emporia.
  5. The Government will pay for all of the help, which can be up to Rs.4 lakh per Cluster visit.
  6. All of the money will be given, but it will depend on how well you do. This is so you can learn about the best practises in India and other countries.
  7. The artisan groups will get all of the money, up to a maximum of Rs. 1 lakh per workshed, to pay for a place to store finished goods and raw materials and a place to work.
  8. A financial aid of Rs. 2 lakhs per training batch will be given to help set up training to improve the quality of entrepreneurship.
Financial Interventions
  1. 100% assistance of Rs.4000/- per artisan of the SHGs, up to a maximum of Rs.5,00,000/- per cluster, will be given for the creation of the common corpus with improved credit facilities and help for the cluster to get loans or help from banks and financial institutions.
  2. The help of Rs. 27,566 will be given to the cluster manager every month for 60 months.
  3. Project Implementing Agencies will get 5% of the total amount released during the project period, up to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000/- for projects that cost less than Rs. 25,00,000/- and Rs. 1,50,000/- for projects that cost more than Rs. 25,00,000/-.
  4. Infrastructure-Related Interventions for Each Cluster
  5. For setting up the raw material bank, help up to a maximum of Rs. 2 crores will be given.
  6. For the construction of a Common Facility Center (CFC), up to Rs. 60 lakhs will be given per CFC.
Payment method
The money will be given out in two parts:
  1. 50% of the approved amount will be paid out as the first instalment, and the rest will be paid out as the second and final instalment in the form of compensation after receiving the required audited report of expenditures, the UC in GFR-19A format, the performance cumulative end report, and any other required documents, etc.
  2. When a department is doing something, the full payment will be taken out as an advance.