Tender Details

Tender Details

Tender ID SkillTender133
Reference No. 207/24-25/114
Tender Brief The document you uploaded is a bid detail document from the Ministry of Defence for various training courses related to software and cyber security. Here's a summary of the key information:
Tender Description Training of Data Base Software, Training of Computer Office Software Course, Training of Internet, Training of Cyber Security, Training of Penetration Testing Course
Pre-Qualification Criteria

 Specific Terms and Conditions

  1. Option Clause: The purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity by up to 25%.
  2. MSE Exemption: No exemption for years of experience and turnover.
  3. Startup Exemption: No exemption for years of experience and turnover.
  4. Document Requirements:

Experience Criteria

Past Performance

Bidder Turnover

  1. Past Performance: The bidder or its OEM should have supplied the same or similar category products for 10% of the bid quantity in at least one of the last three financial years before the bid opening date.
  2. GeMARPTS Searches: Training of Data Base Software, Training of Cyber Security.
  3. Technical Specifications and BOQ: Detailed in the attached documents.


The delivery locations and quantities are specified for each training course, primarily in Sonitpur.

If you need detailed information on any specific part or further assistance with the bid document, feel free to ask!

Tender Fee (Number) N/A
EMD (Number) N/A
Mode of EMD N/A
Estimated Cost N/A
Start Date of Document Collection 30th Jan 2024
Pre-Bid Meeting Date N/A
Last Date for Submission N/A
Opening Date N/A
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